Personailty Type: Supportive (S) Style

We are easy to get along with. Our conversation focus is on being active and compassionate listeners. People love to share their life stories with us. Our personality type may be Supportive (S) Style. As a dove we can lovingly and harmoniously restore harmony within our homes, careers, and communities. Some Supportive (S) Style personality traits are: We interact with … Read More

Personality Type: Interactive (I) Style

As we are verbalizing our opinions, choices or decisions do we enjoy recognition and talking? Our personality type may be Interactive (I) Style. Let the colorful parrot voice proclaim our speaking skills. Some Interactive (I) Style personality traits are: We enjoy the recognition received through talking. Strengths are: persuading power, enthusiasm during interaction, enjoy entertaining and inspiring others. Dislikes are: … Read More

Personality Type: Dominant (D) Style

When communicating with others, do we find ourselves claiming our territory, taking charge without hesitation? Our personality type might be Dominant (D) Style. Fly like an eagle. Some Dominant (D) Style personality traits are: We seek to be in control. Strengths are: administration, leadership, determination, and self-starter. Dislikes are: time wasting, indecisions, and inefficiency. Decisions are made decisively. “But the … Read More