Garlic: Medical Incentive

Throughout the centuries, garlic has been used as a healthcare benefit in the recipes, as an over the counter immune system booster, and as a breath controller. Yes, its odors can be strong; yet it has an acquired taste. This plant has been known to cure common cold, reduce one chance of contacting various viruses. The medical/healthcare industry has listed … Read More

Condiment: Garlic Spice

Garlic spice can be used as a natural anti-inflammatory while lowering our cholesterol. If we select to eat it raw, it will cleanse our mouths and leave a spicy, and strong taste and odor. God’s word is our spiritual garlic. When we boldly proclaim God’s word we can: Ward off all evil and demonic attacks on our spirits, souls, and … Read More

Holiday Garlic: Health Tip

Why should we intake garlic during this holiday season? Most of the time when we think of the health benefits from garlic, we focus on how it makes our breath smell. Although breath smell from garlic can be appalling, the followings health benefits are gained from garlic intake: Lower blood pressure. Lower cholesterol. Cleanse the blood of imparities. Attacks tumor … Read More